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Who is an Issuer?

It is a legal entity, local self-government or executive authority that issues securities on its own behalf to finance or develop its activities.

What does nominal holding mean?

Securities nominal holding - performance on behalf and at the expense of holders of securities of certain legal actions in accordance with the nominal holding agreement or in accordance with the actual Law, as well as accounting and confirmation of securities rights and registration of transactions with securities of such holders

What is a dividend?

Dividend is the shareholder's income on his shares owned by him, paid by the Issuer, in the form of money amount declared per share before taxation, indicating the currency code. Dividends can be regular, declared in accordance with the schedule stipulated by the Issuer's dividend policy, and special, declared in connection with a certain event or circumstances, including individual corporate events of the Issuer.

When are dividends paid?

The dividends payment is made by the joint-stock company from the net profit. Dividend can be paid quarterly, semiannually or annually.

Dividends on preferred shares are paid first during the dividend payment, then dividends on ordinary shares are paid. If there is profit sufficient for payment of fixed dividends on preferred shares, the company is not entitled to refuse to pay dividends to the holders of these shares.

What is the dividend payout date?

It is the expected date to pay dividends by the Issuer.

What is the record date of the registry?

It is the date of compilation of the list of shareholders entitled to receive dividends on shares.

How to open a brokerage account in JSC "Halyk Finance"?

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan can open an account by registering in the Halyk Finance mobile application.
For foreign citizens documents for opening an account are drawn up and sent the hard copy.

How long does it take to open an account?

Usually, a brokerage account for a private person is opened within one business day from the moment the necessary documents are submitted.

The maximum term for opening an account after submitting an application is 3 business days.

Are there branches in other cities of Kazakhstan?

The JSC Halyk Finance branch is located in Astana at the address: 55/20 Mangilik El ave, block C 4.1, office 323, phone: +7 7172 643433, ext. 3390 and 3391.

How much does it cost to open an account?

Opening an account is free of charge and does not oblige the client to take immediate trading action.

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