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The unified compliance culture of the Halyk Group determines the main approaches and standards, forms a unified concept for organizing work on ensuring compliance with the requirements applicable to the Group, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of foreign states, as well as international standards in the field of compliance.

Counteraction to legalization (laundering) of income derived from criminal activity and financing of terrorism

In order to organize an effective control system, JSC "Halyk Finance" takes the necessary measures to prevent use of services, involvement in illegal transactions and activities related to money laundering, terrorist financing and financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (AML / CFT).

JSC "Halyk Finance", as a subject of financial monitoring, complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on AML / CFT, by-laws of the competent state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, standards and recommendations of international organizations in the field of AML / CFT.


The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of the United States of America aims to prevent tax evasion by US citizens and residents through international investment vehicles.

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, FATCA, establishes requirements according to which financial institutions must identify US taxpayer accounts and provide information on them to the US Internal Revenue Service, IRS.
JSC "Halyk Finance" was registered on the Internet resource IRS in the status of "Reporting Model 1 FFI" with the assignment of the Global Intermediary Identification Number, GIIN - FQYKVF.00001.ME.398.

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