Analytics center
Analytics center
Analytics Center focuses on the analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic indicators and key sectors of Kazakhstan.
Macroeconomic report 1Q2023
Due to good stance in the non-commodity sector in 1Q2023, Kazakhstan's economy showed solid growth at 4.9% yoy (the highest growth rate over the past 11 years).
19 may 2023, Halyk Finance Research
Macroeconomic report 4Q2022
In 2022, Kazakhstan’s economy experienced the same challenges as the global economy as a whole – record consumer inflation, rapid and widespread tightening of monetary conditions, reduced household consumption, deteriorating residential real estate market, as well as negative consequences of the military conflict in Ukraine.
21 february 2023, Halyk Finance Research
Macroeconomic report 3Q2022
Disruptions in the oil and gas industry and subdued consumer activity led to a slowdown in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 9M2022 to 2.8% yoy from 3.6% yoy in 1H2022 and 4.6% yoy in 1Q2022.
16 november 2022, Halyk Finance Research
Macroeconomic report 2Q2022
During the first 5 months of this year, the economy of Kazakhstan evinced high growth rate of 4.6% yoy amidst a favorable commodity price environment in the global markets.
12 august 2022, Halyk Finance Research
Inflation in June 2022
In June, consumer inflation rates continued to grow and amounted to 1.6% mom.
4 july 2022, Halyk Fnance Research
State budget of Kazakhstan in 1Q2022
As a result of the outstripping growth of state budget revenues (+45% yoy) over its expenditures (+15% yoy), the state budget balance for the first time in four years developed a surplus in 1Q2022, amounting to KZT0.2 trillion.
7 june 2022, Halyk Finance Research
Trading ideas department
Trading ideas department
Trading Ideas Department analyzes Kazakhstani and foreign issuers, prepares investment recommendations and reports on equity and debt instruments.
Overview of retail trade
In 2022, in our opinion, due to the persistence of the negative effects of external shocks, the return of households to the pre-pandemic consumption model will be slow, and the growth rate of retail trade turnover will be 3-4% yoy.
24 june 2022, Halyk Finance Research
External trade of RK in January-April 2022
We expect that the strengthening of the tenge and further stabilization of the economy will stimulate an increase in imports and, as a result, will lead to a reduction in the trade surplus in the coming months of this year.
17 june 2022, Halyk Finance Research
Macroeconomic report 1Q2022
In 1Q2022 high oil prices and other export commodities of Kazakhstan against the backdrop of significant expansion of government spending contributed to the acceleration of Kazakhstan’s GDP growth to 4.4% yoy.
16 may 2022, Halyk Finance Research
Inflation in April 2022
After a sharp acceleration in March to 3.7% mom, consumer inflation slowed down in monthly terms to 2% in April.
4 may 2022, Halyk Finance Research
Macroeconomic report 4Q2021
In 2021, rising commodity prices, significant inflows of budgetary and non-budgetary funds into the real sector of the economy, as well as the acceleration of consumer lending and the withdrawal of savings from the UAPF contributed to the recovery of the growth rate of the Kazakhstani economy to the pre-crisis level of 4% yoy.
16 march 2022, Halyk Finance Research
When using material from these publications, a link to the original source is required.
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